
Friday, August 12, 2011


Everyone feels a little down once in a while. It’s part of life. But those down times should be temporary, and we have more control over them than we sometimes think we do. The seminary class of the Kirkland Ward in Montreal, Canada, has some suggestions for snapping out of those blahs.

The Holy Ghost is called the Comforter for good reason, and there are a number of suggestions for inviting His healing influence. They’re not new, but when you are feeling low, you may be tempted to ignore them because Satan does not want you to be happy. So remember these basics:
·     Pray. God’s love for you is perfect, and He can communicate that love to you through the Spirit.
·  Read the scriptures. They help you feel the Spirit and help put your problems in perspective.
Other suggestions include:
·      Listen to good music: Pick music that won’t offend the Spirit.
·   Exercise: Ride your bike, go jogging, or just take a brisk walk. It stimulates brain chemicals that improve your mood.
·    Get some perspective: Read your journal or look at your scrapbook. Remember all of the good things that have happened to you and you’ll see that down times are temporary.
·     Write in your journal. This helps you to sort through your thoughts and feelings.
·    Do something nice for someone else. When you serve others, you invite the Spirit and your own problems shrink or even disappear.
·     Spend time with and talk to good friends: The kind who help you be your best self.
·      Talk to God; participate in activities.
·     What about eating chocolate or other favorite “comfort” foods? You need to be careful. Eating to fill emotional needs can lead to unhealthy eating habits and weight gain. 
Illustrated by Scott Snow
NewEra, Apr 2007, 27

Thank you for taking your time with me, its great being with you. But reading is not enough. If you really hope to attain a successful life, please keep your mind open, go back and practice persistently the suggestions. Keep at it. The results will come. It will give me great happiness to know that the article has helped you. We may never meet in person, but in this article we have met. We are spiritual friends. I pray for you. God will help you, so believe and live successfully.

With admiration,
Robert S. Malugu

P.S: I love comments on this blog. They are as important as anything I write myself. They add to the knowledge and community that we have here. If you want to comment then you are more than welcome; whether you feel you are a beginner or an expert, feel free to have you say. Relevant links in comments are actively encouraged. If you are leaving a comment on my blog and want to point to a link on your own or someone else’s site that is relevant to the topic then please feel free to do so. This adds to the conversation and improves the blog.

About the Author
Robert Malugu is the founder and editor of Malugu Robert - The Positive Thinking Site. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, at Facebook, Google+, and LinkedIn.

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